Reviewing Rules

Well I guess I need to get this here.  Since I am getting more things to review and such.

A normal book review can be done within the week of me getting the book, unless I am on a deadline.  I do get books off of my groups in Goodreads and they give me dates.  If you give me a date, I will have your review done by that date, if not sooner.

I do work full time so I do most of my reviews on the weekends or if I get a morning off.  I will share the links to every review as I do them.  I also have a family, a husband and a son, so I might get a little behind if things get crazy.  I will let you know.

If you e-mail me for a review, then I will e-mail you back with every link to my reviews.  It goes up on the blog first and then I cut and paste to each other site.  If you have a particular site you want the review on, just talk to me.

I am not picky about genre, if you are wanting a good, honest review.  I love to read just about anything you send me.  I may gravitate toward paranormal romance, fantasy and sci-fi.  I also have noticed that lately I am reading more young adult books.  I think my husband calls them my fluff books. 

Send all review requests to:

Find me on Goodreads as well! (the profile is on the right of the blog)

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