Saturday, June 6, 2015

Nominated I am! (all Yoda like)

So I log into Goodreads today to get my fix and see what new recommendations there are for me. I was also seeing if there were any new reviews on books I had previously reviewed for the groups I am in.  I love to read other reviews to see if someone liked or didn't like something as much as I did.   Anyway, off topic.  I log in and see that I have two messages.  One is a group message, usually those are about new read to review books.  The other is from Ara the Booksnake (Masako on Goodreads).

I was nominated for the Liester Award!  I have to thank her for that nomination as well.  I was actually very shocked by it all, and I did what she did.  I can say that I Googled it.  I was all, "what is this?" I have not been at this reviewing thing for long, but it is definitely great to know that someone is reading it!  Thank you so much!  Oh, and my husband said thank you as well Ara!!!!!!! *BIG HUGS*
That being said, there are rules to this, so bare with me. I will post them at the bottom and all that jazz.  Part of this means I need to nominate some people.  There are several blogs I have been following so let's see if can do this right.

1. I want to nominate Ara - The Booksnake Etc. (she is the wonderful one who nominated me)
2. Selina O'Loan - Dear Book Geeks
3. Kristin - Kristin Un-Ravelle'd
4. Melissa - Around the World in Books
5. Denise - I am Shelfless
6. Kelsi - Ultraviolet Lit
7. Floryie - The Travelogue of a Book Addict
8. Amanda - Feed Your Head
9. Sarah - Sarah's Cozy Book Nook
10. Cody-Leigh - Literary-ly Obsessed

Alright, there are the ten top blogs I read, and they have some great reviews on them.  Here are the questions tagged to me:

1. Do you prefer a book that is written in third person, or one that is written in POVs?
I am actually not that picky with it comes to POV.  I love to read first or third person.  What I love though is when a book will give me more then one person's POV.  It helps me fully understand what is going on.
2. Do reviews have an impact on your book purchases?
Reviews have a huge impact on my book purchases.  If there are nothing but negative reviews I tend to be very leery about reading that book. 

3. What made you want to be a blogger?
Actually this is an easy question, lol.  I love to read and I want others to really be able to know how a book is.  I wanted to share my opinions on books with others.  I can't seem to write the books, but I can read them
4. If given the chance, would you like to meet in person the bloggers you've had the chance to interact with? Why or why not?
I want to say yes, but I am a hermit by nature and I think I would be scared.  I am outgoing for my job in the real world because I have to be.  Meeting new people is way outside of my comfort zone.
5. What are your biggest book no-nos?
I think the biggest no-no for me is being pretentious with our writing.  Don't write a book to make yourself seem smart.  Using 75 cent words really turns me off to a book.  I am an educated woman, but if I have to spend my whole reading time looking up the words you are using, I will not finish your book.
6. Who is (or are) your book boyfriend(s)? Why them?
This one is very hard for me.  Jason Schuyler from the Anita Blake Series is definitely one.  And I am absolutely in love with Doyle and Frost from the Meredith Gentry Series. I think the rest come and go as I read books.  I do seem to have this thing for the dark love interests and the under dogs.  I just can't help myself.
7. What is your record for longest time without putting down your book/ereader? (meaning no sleep, no breaks except for bathroom ones and eating, no work stuff)
I read an entire series in 24 hours.  That was about 7 books.  I had the books in hard back and on the Nook I used to have.  When I was done with one book I would just go right to the next.  I would take them to the bathroom with me as well.
8. Aside from reading, what are your other hobbies?
I am a video gamer.  I also have started working on my own arts and crafts business, but I really see it as a hobby.  It keeps me happy.
9. Would you like to be an author someday? If yes, what genre would you specalize in?
Gosh yes, but I have no ability in this area.  If I was going to write, and I am still trying to write, it would be paranormal romance.  I am not sure if it would be adult or young adult though.
10. What advice can you share to fellow bloggers?
I think the biggest thing that was said to me that I want to get out there is that you just need to keep writing, even if you don't think anyone is reading your stuff.  Just keep putting yourself out there.

Here are the questions I would love answers to from you all.
1. What world from a book would you want to live in?
2. What draws you to your favorite genre of books? (If you have several you love, pick one)
3. Do you have a preference, real book or e-reader?
4. How do you feel about books that are made into movies?
5. If you could be any main character from a book, who would you be?
6. Do you have a favorite series that you would love to see made into a movie/tv show?
7. How do you go about picking what books you want to review on your blog?
8. How do you feel about reading self-published books?
9. If you had to pick one book as your favorite of all time, what would it be?
10. Where do you do most of your reading? (bed, couch, at a desk, etc.)

The Rules:

1. Once you are nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you. Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.

2. Nominate 10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.

3. Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.

4. Answer the ten questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make ten questions of your own for your nominees.

5. Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.


  1. I love your answers! :-) BIG HUGS to you and your husband too. (That wasn't awkward or anything, LOL) I look forward to answering your questions!! :-) :-)

  2. Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for nominating me. I might have researched a thing or two about this too. Anyways, I am happy to answer your ten questions! :D

  3. Thanks so much for your nomination (am a previous nominee tho) ! I think your #10 answer is so spot on. :)

  4. Thank you so much for the nomination and for reading. I can't wait to post and answer the questions!

  5. Thank you for the nomination, so happy you are enjoying my reviews! I will definitely be answering your questions and nominating more bloggers, as soon as I get a chance to. Thanks!
